Mobile Apps

Phone Guard-Anti Touch Pickpocket Prevention Android App

Phone Guard is android App to prevent Physical Phone Spy & Anti Touch developed using Kotlin Language. It notifies phone owner if someone tries to touch or move his/her phone from where he/she left it.


  • Anti-Touch Guard, it detects when there is physical touch of device when Anti Touch Guard turned on.
  • Anti-Pickpocket(Pocket Guard): It detects when phone is removed from pocket and rings alert sound if Pocket Guard is turned On
  • Charger Guard(USB Guard): It detects when charger is removed from device or charger is plugged in when USB Guard is turned On
  • ADMOB: It has AdMob banner ad for revenue generation


  • Android OS 4.2 and Above
  • Android Studio 3.0 and above
  • Android Device(Tablet or Phone) with PROXIMITY, LIGHT AND ACCELEROMETER sensors and USB Charging capabilities
  • Knowledge of Kotlin or Java programming languages
  • AdMob account
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