PHP Scripts

Sports League Manager PHP Script

Sports League Manager is a PHP/MySQL script designed to manage all aspects of your sport clubs and leagues. It can be adapted to support almost any sport with minimal customization (football, soccer, basketball, handball, cricket, volleyball, hockey, polo, etc…) You will be able to manage games, seasons, players, teams, coaches, as well as post your news, discussion forums, and much more.

Sports League Manager is really a Sports Content Management Systems (SCMS) and allows you to easily manage the data of your website with the help of a robust back end administration area. If you require any customization, please feel free to contact us.

The script is currently configured to support Ice Hockey and Soccer, but can be tailored to support virtually any sport. Before purchasing, if you require another sport configuration please contact me.

Front end –

Admin –

Admin userid and password are on the login page. The database updates are disabled for the demo user.

Appreciated on January 13th, 2021

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